I have been working with wood and have been a carpenter since I was a teenager! I started surfing when I was 12 and skateboarding the same time!! We made our first skateboards with old wood and my sisters metal skates!! Pretty rough!! I then bought my Hobie wooden skateboard and I still have it!! That’s where I got the idea to start making some boards!! I wanted to make a couple for the grandkids and the next thing I know everyone wanted one!! So being a carpenter I never throw away any wood so I just started getting all my wood together and came up with a few designs I like and started making some! My only problem is I really don’t have a shop, and I’m still working in the film industry so when I’m on a show I can’t make any! I also had found out 7 years ago that I had lung cancer! Never smoked, but ended up getting my right lung removed and now I am struggling with nerve damage and losing the ability to use my right arm and hand. The bright side is , I’m cancer free and I am making skateboards and still building movie sets and doing carpentry! I’m working on setting up a small shop at my sons house if I can, I really love doing what I’m doing!
New, high-quality A. Wright Skateboards Hoodies are now available. $60 with shipping included. Get yours today.
Derek and Genevieve DeBree, the proud owners of an A.Wright Skateboard won at the silent auction for the Clean Ocean Action fundraiser!
Pro surfer Balaram Stack winner of The Vans 2022 Pipeline Masters Champion receives a congratulatory gift of a 48” Crusier A. Wright Skateboard from the Thompson Family and Clean Ocean Action of Central New Jersey!
Copyright © Andy Wright Skateboards - All Rights Reserved.
Email: hellfirewright@aol.com